Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The times are a changing!

People only change after something bad happens?
I agree and disagree. It is true people do change more rapidly and dramatically when something really bad has happened, but to go as far as saying people "only" when bad things happens is being a bit quick with judgment. What if something really good happens, people change then to you know. People change in good and bad situations in life I think, I sure have.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Living with war every day in my heart

Please America, let’s stop putting our dirty nose in every other countries scandals and tried to figure our own out. We our not the police of the world, we cant solve everyone’s else's problems much less our own. For example, after 911 America was looking for someone to blame, and they picked Osama Ben Laden. America invaded Afghanistan and tried to find the best player of hiding seek their ever was. well, it happens to be they didn't catch or even find him. Soon after, America invaded Iraq and declared war upon them. For what? They didn't do anything to us, Osama did. We (America) have been in Iraq for six years now; the longest war America had ever been in i might add. Over what? Nothing but judging them by our own morals. Example #2 Vietnam. Hers is another great case of us sticking our nose in other peoples business. America had a policy called "Containment" witch meant that America would stop communism from growing any where in the world. Why, their not on our country or our land, how does this affect us? Anyway, we invade Vietnam and stay their fighting for about 12 years. All because we didn't like how they ran their own country. History just shows that we need to keep to ourselves and leave other people alone. If they don’t mess with us, we shouldn't mess with them.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Stay up out my business!

Is it ok to get involved in other people's business? I believe it all boils down to, if they want you in their business or not. Nobody likes people getting all in their business and then throwing their ignorant personal opinion into a situation where it does not belong.
Have you ever jumped into someone else's business? If so, why? Only my good friends, when they were about to get into a fight or something of the sort. I will stick my nose into the situation if necessary, but I usually try to stay away from drama scene, if possible.
When should people mind their own business? Every second of life, unless they were asked their opinion on the situation. There is the relationship game, where one of your buddies or one of her friends sticks their opinion into the mix of things and really causes more stress and stupidity than anything. “Mind your own business” there is a reason that’s a common saying.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Gilded Age!










Monday, March 24, 2008


Do you envy the richest people in our country? I only envy their money and what I could do with their money, not their personality, friends, or wife for that matter. Usually, the richest people in our country are the worst people in our country. Just think of how much they had to lie, cheat, or fake their way through it all. Then, on top of all that, once you do get a vast amount of money you have to worry about blowing it all or it being stolen from you.
How did they get all their money? Was it their work or others' work that made them rich? I believe they got their money through lots of hard work and a good amount of luck. Probably both, I don't now who were referencing to but I would suspect their going to need the help of others just as much as themselves to succeed in this life.
Should they only enjoy their money, or should they spread the wealth? Of course, enjoy your money, it’s yours, but help others out to if you can. I’m sure their was a time in your life when you needed help and it was given at least once. Do unto others as you would want others to do unto you.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Fight

Back in the day, as a youngster. My grandmother would take me and my brother to the j and j flee market. Their, we would look at all sorts of stuff, but the thing that really caught our attention was the knives. Every other weekend, me and my brother would get a new knife for each of us. One day me and my brother were in our room showing our neighbor our knife collections. My brother spots one in my collection and claims its his. Then, he takes it from my and puts it in his. Of course, I was not going to take this non sense so I took MY knife back. Then, he took it back and kept it in his hand. I told him if he didn't give me my knife back I was
going to take it from him. Quickly I lunged at him, at tried to swipe the knife away, in doing so I almost got cut. My neighbor takes the knife from my brother’s hand and says "Who ever really owns the knife, will fight for it. Theirs one little part I forgot to mention, my brother is three and a half years older than me and three times bigger than me. Although, I thought about not fighting, avoiding the situation would not get me my knife back. So, it began and I was in the cripplers cross face before you know it (That’s were the opposing person sits on your back and pulls your face back against your neck making it feel like your necks breaking). Within 20 to 30 seconds, I was out. He had my knife and it was all his. Still, I wouldn’t tolerate this nonsense, so, I went and told my daddy. Well, guess what he did? He took the knife and whipped the both of us for fighting. I haven’t seen that knife since, nor did our fight solve anything. That fight didn't really do anything to our relationship, we always fought.